Arizona State Broadband Office

Arizona State Broadband Office Overview

Arizona Broadband Grant Award Status

BEAD: $993.1 M

Arizona 5 Year Plan
Initial Proposal Approved by NTIA
Challenge Process Concluded
ISP Selection Begun
ISP Selection Complete
Final Proposal Released for Public Comment

Treasury Capital Projects Fund: $190.2 M

Treasury Approved
Application Window
Awards Announced

Arizona Broadband Director

Sandip Bhowmick

VP of Infrastructure and State Broadband Director

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About Arizona Broadband Office

The Arizona Commerce Authority coordinates the distribution of funds to ISP’s and rural municipalities in need. Information on State and Federal Grant opportunities are available for ISPs and municipalities to apply. They're neatly categorized by program.

The state's FY2022 program will provide $100 million in broadband expansion grants to unserved or underserved areas. The money comes from the federal American Rescue Plan.

Eligible projects are those that impact a broad a group of population as possible. Broadband speeds of 100x100 Mbps are preferable and minimum acceptable speeds of 100x25 Mbps over at least five years is required.

Applicants need to provide a 10% cash match of total eligible project costs.

"The Arizona Broadband Development Grant program is intended to bridge the digital divide and enhance the connectivity for Arizona’s citizens, businesses, healthcare institutions, government establishments, and education sector," according to the grant web site.

Details, eligibility, application forms and contact information are available here.

Grant applications must be received by January 31, 2022 at 5 p.m. MST

Arizona Broadband Investment Maps

Arizona broadband investment map ready strength rank

Arizona Map of Ready Strength Rank

Arizona broadband investment map yield on cost

Arizona Yield on Cost Maps

Arizona broadband investment map price and competition

Arizona Pricing & Competition Map

Arizona broadband investment map business establishments

Arizona Map of Business Establishments in Underserved Areas

Arizona broadband investment map REC coverage

Arizona Rural Electric Cooperative (REC) Coverage Map

Map of Arizona Broadband Serviceable Locations

Arizona Map of Anchor Institutions

Arizona Broadband Service Provider Coverage Maps

Need further analysis?

Arizona Small Business Establishments Map

Number of small business establishments

Arizona broadband investment map small business establishments

Business size distribution in underserved areas

Arizona broadband investment map business size distribution within underserved project areas