Colorado State Broadband Office

Colorado State Broadband Office Overview

Colorado Broadband Grant Award Status

BEAD: $826.5 M

Colorado 5 Year Plan
Initial Proposal Approved by NTIA
Challenge Process Concluded
ISP Selection Begun
ISP Selection Complete
Final Proposal Released for Public Comment

Treasury Capital Projects Fund: $170.8 M

Treasury Approved
Application Window
Awards Announced

Broadband Office Name:

Colorado Broadband Office

Parent Department:

Governor's Office of Information Technology

About Colorado Broadband Office

Governor Jared Polis said in February 2022 in an executive order that his goal is to get Colorado to 99 percent covered by broadband by 2027. 

The state has had a broadband office since 2016. Its funding page is here.

In June 2021, Polis and the Colorado General Assembly signed Bill HB21-1289, also known as Funding For Broadband Deployment. The funding of this bill is derived from the American Rescue Plan. 

Middle mile and other interconnectivity projects that can be funded under this legislation are those that deliver 100 Mbps/100 Mbps service, or where not practicable, 100/20 Mbps, but scalable to 100/100.

Regional Broadband Plans are implemented in twelve non-urban planning regions to accommodate specific needs of each region. 

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) is responsible for distribution of funding. 

Polis also signed SB21-060, to build a program with a budget of at least $5 million, to reimburse low-income households up to $600 for broadband services.

Components of this legislation include:

  • $15 million for telehealth providers
  • $5 million to the Interconnectivity Grant Program via the Colorado Department of Regulatory Affairs for middle-mile broadband
  • $35 million via the Broadband Deployment Board at the Colorado Department of Local Affairs
  • $10 million to the Ute Mountain and Southern Ute Tribal Nations under their discretion to build broadband infrastructure, out of a $20 million budget dedicated to Tribal broadband infrastructure.
  • In compliance with the U.S. Department of Treasury Interim final rule, internet users are considered underserved if they lack access to a wireline connection capable of delivering speeds of 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload within businesses and residential communities.

More info

Other key contacts are accessible here.

Colorado Broadband Investment Maps

Colorado broadband investment map ready strength rank

Ready Strength Rank

Colorado broadband investment map yield on cost

Yield on Cost Maps

Colorado broadband investment map yield on cost

Pricing & Competition

Colorado broadband investment map business establishments

Business Establishments in Underserved Areas

Colorado broadband investment map small business establishments

Small Business Establishments

Colorado broadband investment map REC coverage

Rural Electric Cooperative (REC) Coverage Map