Iowa State Broadband Office

Iowa State Broadband Office Overview

Iowa Broadband Grant Award Status

BEAD: $415.3 M

Iowa 5 Year Plan
Initial Proposal Approved by NTIA
Challenge Process Concluded
ISP Selection Begun
ISP Selection Complete
Final Proposal Released for Public Comment

Treasury Capital Projects Fund: $152.2 M

Treasury Approved
Application Window
Awards Announced

Broadband Office Name:

Office of the Chief Information Officer

Iowa Broadband Director

Matt Behrens

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About Office of the Chief Information Officer

The office of the Chief Information Officer facilitates broadband infrastructure initiatives.

Their website offers a broadband availability map and information to apply for funding, derived from the American Rescue Plan and local funding.

Broadband programs include the property tax exemption program that provides residents tax exemption for installation of broadband infrastructure to meet federal internet speeds within a specified service area.

The Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa Grant Program has up to $97 million in grant funding available for private ISP’s to apply.

$200 million is anticipated for Iowa to expand broadband infrastructure via the ARPA.

The funding will go towards networks that will facilitate last-mile broadband speeds of 100 Mbps x 100 Mbps or 100 x 20 in cases where the symmetrical option is not feasible due to cost or geography.

Iowa Broadband Investment Maps

Iowa broadband investment map ready strength rank

Iowa Map of Ready Strength Rank

Iowa broadband investment map yield on cost

Iowa Yield on Cost Maps

Iowa broadband investment map price and competition

Iowa Pricing & Competition Map

Iowa broadband investment map business establishments

Iowa Map of Business Establishments in Underserved Areas

Iowa broadband investment map small business establishments

Iowa Small Business Establishments Map

Iowa broadband investment map REC coverage

Iowa Rural Electric Cooperative (REC) Coverage Map

Map of Iowa Broadband Serviceable Locations

Iowa Map of Anchor Institutions

Need further analysis?

Iowa Provider Coverage Maps

Iowa broadband investment map provider coverage