BEAD: $1.2 B
Treasury Capital Projects Fund: $162.6 M
Broadband Office Name:
Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM) Office
Parent Department:
Department of Finance and Administration
The Mississippi Public Service Commission is the state broadband coordinator. Governor Tate Reeves signed the Mississippi Electric Cooperatives Broadband COVID-19 Act, designating $65 million of the state’s CARES Act relief funds in matched grants to electric cooperatives for broadband access expansion, which is estimated to make service available to more than 35,000 rural homes. $200 million is anticipated for broadband infrastructure via the American Rescue Plan.
This funding will further finance Electricity cooperatives efforts. Internet service providers may work with local municipalities to provide last mile broadband, using the statewide broadband plan entitled The State of Broadband in Mississippi, a report by Mississippi State University Professor Dr. Robert Gallardo.
Mississippi is one of the worst states regarding high speed internet and terrestrial broadband at 58% coverage. 56% of residents have access to affordable broadband coverage, slightly above the 51% national average.