Nevada State Broadband Office

Nevada State Broadband Office Overview

Nevada Broadband Grant Award Status

BEAD: $416.7 M

Nevada 5 Year Plan
Initial Proposal Approved by NTIA
Challenge Process Concluded
ISP Selection Begun
ISP Selection Complete
Final Proposal Released for Public Comment

Treasury Capital Projects Fund: $135.6 M

Treasury Approved
Application Window
Awards Announced

Broadband Office Name:

Governor's Office of Science, Innovation, and Technology

Nevada Broadband Director

Brian Mitchell

linkedin icon

About Governor's Office of Science, Innovation, and Technology

Broadband programs: Nevada Connect Kids Initiative: The Nevada Connect Kids was created to increase broadband Internet access, adoption, and use across the state.

According to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Nevada has a "Broadband Whole Community Connectivity Program. OSIT has partnered with 6 Nevada counties and municipalities to help rural Nevadans take advantage of telemedicine resources, attain higher levels of education and access specialized online training, and add superior broadband access. The Broadband Whole Community Connectivity 2020 report can be found here.

The Nevada Ready 21: A statewide initiative providing 24-hour access to a laptop for Nevada middle and high school students.

Funding for broadband: NV Education Broadband Grant: These funds can be used to build out networks and provide better connectivity and equipment for school districts, charter schools, and students.

Nevada received $136 million through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 of which most of that would go towards supporting broadband connectivity.

In October, the state received roughly $1 million from the Economic Development Administration which would largely go forward to assisting in the revitalization of the state’s supply chain and supporting the analysis of broadband capabilities.

Nevada, according to BroadbandNow, ranked 35th in the United States.

Nevada Broadband Investment Maps

Nevada broadband investment map ready strength rank

Nevada Map of Ready Strength Rank

Nevada broadband investment map price and competition

Nevada Pricing & Competition Map

Nevada broadband investment map business establishments

Nevada Map of Business Establishments in Underserved Areas

Nevada broadband investment map small business establishments

Nevada Small Business Establishments Map

Map of Nevada Broadband Serviceable Locations

Nevada Map of Anchor Institutions

Nevada Broadband Service Provider Coverage Maps

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Nevada Yield on Cost Maps

Yield on Cost without broadband grants

Nevada broadband investment map yield on cost

Yield on Cost with 75% grant coverage

Nevada broadband investment map yield on cost with 75% Grant Coverage