Yield on Cost without broadband grants

BEAD: $813.3 M
Treasury Capital Projects Fund: $215.2 M
Broadband Office Name:
Department of Economic & Community Development (Broadband Initiative)
Tennessee received $500 million to expand broadband through the American Rescue Plan. In April, the state began creating its own broadband map to better collect data on the communities still needing assistance.
It administers its broadband policy though its Department of Economic and Community Development.
The department has a Broadband Ready Community Designation Program.
Funding for broadband
Tennessee Broadband Accessibility Grant. The 2021 Technology Opportunities for the Public Grants (TOP) are funded from a portion of the Broadband Accessibility Grant fund awarding $209,000 in grants to public libraries for digital literacy training, circulating Wi-Fi hotspots, and video recording and editing hardware and software.
State Broadband Plan:
The Tennessee Broadband Accessibility Act lays out a plan using multiple avenues to address broadband gaps in Tennessee. The Department of Economic and Community Development has a Fiscal Year 2019-2021 Broadband Accessibility Grant Report. It outlines broadband investments and availability.
Tennessee ranks at the 17th mark for best connected in the state, according to BroadbandNow.