
Congrats Montana on Being Ready for BEAD

Montana entered the next phase of its BEAD journey earlier this year in launching its BEAD challenge process powered by Ready.

The Treasure State was allocated $628 million in BEAD funding last year. Montana currently has more than 50,000 unserved locations and more than 22,000 underserved locations. Connect Montana, a subagency of the Montana Department of Administration, has been tasked with administering BEAD funding and the state’s broadband infrastructure deployment. 

Montana’s challenge process features an end-to-end experience for the state broadband office, its consultants, and its challengers that includes a dedicated portal for all kinds of challenges and rebuttals. The process is simplified with automatic messaging, a public map built to NTIA standards, and more. 

Montana joins Mississippi, Louisiana, Virginia, Kansas, New York, Nevada, and many other leading states to utilize Ready’s tools to conduct their challenge process.

Get Ready to make the most of your BEAD.

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