Geospatial Tools
Ready GROW
Grow your subscriber base with end-to-end geospatial reasoning.
Challenge Process Coordinator
Run efficient, data-driven, and compliant challenge processes.
Process Tools
Ready State Platform
The State Broadband Office software solution. Optimize your BEAD & CPF grants.
Peformance Test & Survey
Get the empirical, NTIA-compliant acceptable evidence you need.
Compliance Tools & Beyond
Automated Reporting & Compliance™ (ARC)
Protect your office. Empower your sub-grantees.
Broadband software and funding news.
Broadband Leaders
Learn from broadband leaders across the country.
Broadband Resources
Get the latest information on broadband grants.
Broadband Audit
Free broadband audits for every state, county, and city.
BEAD Progress Tracker
Up-to-date information on each state's BEAD progress.
Join the broadband community.
Kentucky Broadband Audits By Tribe
This is the Kentucky county broadband audit directory. Use it to access crucial data ranging from internet speeds and broadband coverage to demographic and spatial information for an individual tribe.
Broadband Audit Contents