
Turnkey ACP™

ACP Enrollment Made Easy

Make sure eligible households in your service area receive their fair share with Turnkey ACP™, the most streamlined ACP enrollment tool on the market.

Hero Figure
IndianaNevadaNew YorkKansasVirginiaMIssissippiLouisianaOklahomaWest VirginiaOhioNorth DakotaArkansas
IndianaNevadaNew YorkKansasVirginiaMIssissippiLouisianaOklahomaWest VirginiaOhioNorth DakotaArkansas

Turnkey ACP™ at a Glance

Supercharge ACP enrollments

Empower Eligible Subscribers

  • Drastically decrease the hurdles households face when applying for the ACP benefit
  • Receive immediate approval for households applying with a National Verifier ID
  • Allow households to apply online, on their own time, and without ever picking up a phone
  • Ensure subscribers receive their full benefit on qualifying tribal lands and in eligible high cost areas
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Give Your Team Superpowers

Streamline Internal Processes

  • Eliminate the need for manual enrollments- subscribers apply through their account, and their discount is automatically applied to their invoices once approved
  • Automatically see USAC’s monthly enrollment reports in the context of your subscriber record for effortless compliance
  • Monitor ACP enrollees and transfers for usage to ensure subscribers are taking advantage of their benefits
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